IT/Tech | Eng

[Deep Learning] #3 Let's find out what machine learning is! / Relationship with Artificial Intelligence / Map Learning / Non-Map Learning / Reinforcement Learning
Until last time, I briefly learned about the history of artificial intelligence and artificial intelligence. Now let's find out what machine learning is in earnest. Machine Learning = Self-learning technology to improve performance Let's first pick up the relationship between artificial intelligence and machine learning. Machine learning is a field of artificial intelligence, a technology that a..

[Deep Learning] #2 History of Artificial Intelligence / XOR Problem of Perceptron / Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
We studied what artificial intelligence is last time. Simply put, what artificial intelligence was, you can sort it out to a "system for creating human intelligence." The history of artificial intelligence began in the 1950s when Turing machines came out. Later in 1965, a chatbot system called Alisa was developed. Alisa is also known as artificial intelligence, but it was not the kind of AI that..

[Deep Learning] #1 Let's find out what artificial intelligence is / Strong artificial intelligence vs. Weak artificial intelligence
Recently, I have been interested in artificial intelligence, so I am studying it personally. We've seen artificial intelligence and words on the news, machine learning, and deep learning. Is this different? Just as we look at the forest to know one thing, let's first sort out the relationship between these concepts and start! Artificial intelligence =System for creating human intelligence Artifi..